Mornings with Marla
Mornings spent with Marla are the best kinds of mornings. Taking a topic and diving deep into self work, cutting apart the negative mind loop, and insights on living life to its fullest potential. All closed with a guided meditation that follows right out of the topic of discussion.

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Are you a yes person? A people pleaser? Do you sometimes fear saying no? Or get FOMO? Then this podcast is for you!! I dive into my own issues with being a YES person, how it gets me in trouble, and also creates more guilt in my mind and body, which by saying NO could have been avoided in the first place. This is for those of you who work too much, don't have good work/life balance, and find yourself making excuses and being flakey. So heavy on my heart right now, and I know that when I'm going thru something, its the perfect time to share because it resonates most and is best aligned. Wanna chat more? Find me on insta @_marmointro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
HOLY MOLY! I loveeeee getting to dive deep and gain more clarity around humans as sexual beings. In this episode Jacqueline Nora and I discuss why some relationships tend to sexually fizzle out, what chemicals are being released in your brain during the arch of a relationship, and how to go thru fears, loves, and desires with your partner. This is for both males and females! There are so many knowledge bombs in this episode, we couldn't even contain it all in 1 hr. If you'd like to purchase Jacqueline's Fears, loves, and desires workshop, it is on her website! You can find her @pleasureinitiatrix on insta. We both love to respond to DMs so if you have any questions or want to dive deeper into this topics, please reach out! intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Another solo episode with Marla!! I dive into how cultivating self care routines, compassion, and consistency in life are the keys to gaining more success while creating more joy and abundance. Life is one big experiment. When looking at it from a lens in this way, so much shifts. How much love are you pouring into yourself? This is an energy exchange. The more love you give to yourself, the more love the universe will provide you. Manifestation only occurs with consistent action steps. That is why self care, compassion, and consistency are such huge components of creating success in your life.intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
In this episode, I go into my experience with microdosing, how to cultivate a morning practice, and many vulnerable shares about my battle with depression and anxiety. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, someone to just listen, or someone to tell you it will be okay. Please reach out. I am always here to listen if you feel like you need a shoulder to lean on during a bout of depression. You can DM me on Insta @_marmo. There is so much bliss, and joy to life, I promise you will find it!intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
In this episode Christine Hall and I dive deep into how to cultivate a more positive mindset in order to create the reality you desire. She is a creative entrepreneur, and digital nomad, who stepped out of the 9-5 rat race, and into a life that provides her with endless gratitude and blessings. We touch on how to reprogram the mind, the ways in which you can work with the energies of the universe, and how magical travel is!intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Holy Moly!! This was a good one! All about the , orgasms, and de-armouring the cervix. Ft. One of my favorite humans on this planet, Jacqueline Nora! This is a do not miss if you are a Womxn who is working on finding pleasure in all things, not just in the bedroom. Find Marla Mockus, Confidence Coach on insta @_marmoFind Jacqueline, Pleasure//embodiment/love Coach @pleasureinitiatrixJoin us for our next New Moon Dojo by DMing us on social media :)intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Confidence and self worth, and how they play off of each other. On this episode I dive deep into stepping into your self worth, how it feels to be fully in confidence, and where life can lead you when you value yourself according to a higher self worth. This topic is followed by a short meditation to help you step deeper into a state of confidence. intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo